General Ticket Information
All prices are the total price of the package for the 2025-edition.
A 2P Package is the total cost for two people, not per person.
Full explanation of the different accommodations can be found here
Regular Tickets
General access to Tomorrowland
Pleasure Pass
General access to Tomorrowland + access to the comfort zones at the Library and the Freedom Stage
Attention: No access to the comfort zone at the Mainstage.
Comfort Pass
General access to Tomorrowland + access to the comfort zone at the Mainstage, the Library and the Freedom Stage
Treasure Case Fees
All ticket prices exclude the Treasure Case Fees. These additional fees vary based on your location as per the table below. The fee is per person. For example if you take a 2P package, you pay the fee twice.
Country | ( PP €) |
Belgium | 13.50 |
Europe | 19.50 |
Worldwide | 27.00 |
Day Pass
A day pass gives you access to Tomorrowland on Friday, Saturday or Sunday.
This ticket type does not give you access to DreamVille.
The ticket price always includes payment and service fee.
The Treasure Case Fee is not included.
Type | Pre-Sale (€) | Worldwide Sale (€) |
Day Pass | 129.00 | 143.00 |
Pleasure Day Pass | 177.00 | 208.00 |
Comfort Day Pass | 232.00 | 250.00 |
Full Madness
A Full Madness Pass gives you access to Tomorrowland on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
This ticket type does not give you access to DreamVille.
The ticket price always includes payment and service fee.
The Treasure Case Fee is not included.
Type | Pre-Sale (€) | Worldwide Sale (€) |
Full Madness | 304.00 | 374.00 |
Full Madness Comfort | 530.00 | 640.00 |
Magnificent Greens
All Magnificent Greens Packages include per person:
- Access to DreamVille
- One Tomorrowland Full Madness or Full Madness Comfort Pass
- Access to the Magnificent Greens Area
- Access to the Gathering and Marketplace
- Access to the Chill Out
The ticket price always includes payment and service fee. The Treasure Case Fee is not included.
For full details see the Accommodation Wiki
Type | Pre-Sale (€) | Worldwide Sale (€) |
Magnificent Greens | 381.00 | 452.00 |
Magnificent Greens Comfort | 614.00 | 733.00 |
Magnificent Greens 1P Tent | 525.00 | 599.00 |
Magnificent Greens 1P Tent Comfort | 758.00 | 880.00 |
Magnificent Greens 2P Tent | 975.00 | 1,121.00 |
Magnificent Greens 2P Tent Comfort | 1,441.00 | 1,683.00 |
Camp 2 Camp
Please note that there will be a deposit due before getting access to your Camp 2 Camp tent.
All Camp 2 Camp Packages include per person:
- Access to DreamVille
- One Tomorrowland Full Madness or Full Madness Comfort Pass
- Access to the Magnificent Greens Area
- Access to the Gathering and Marketplace
- Access to the Chill Out
The ticket price always includes payment and service fee. The Treasure Case Fee is not included.
For full details see the Accommodation Wiki
Type | Pre-Sale (€) | Worldwide Sale (€) |
Camp 2 Camp Pre Pitched 2P | 1,018.00 | 1,152.00 |
Camp 2 Camp Pre Pitched 2P Comfort | 1,484.00 | 1,714.00 |
Friendship Garden 10P
All Friendship Garden Packages include per person:
- Access to DreamVille
- One Tomorrowland Full Madness
- Access to the Magnificent Greens Area
- Access to the Gathering and Marketplace
- Access to the Chill Out
- Additional benefits for Spectacular Friendship Garden (see Accommodation Wiki)
The ticket price always includes payment and service fee. The Treasure Case Fee is not included.
For full details see the Accommodation Wiki
Type | Pre-Sale (€) | Worldwide Sale (€) |
Friendship Garden 10P | n.a. | 5,158.00 |
Spectacular Friendship Garden | n.a. | 5,952.00 |
Easy Tent
All Easy Tent Packages include per person:
- Access to DreamVille
- One Tomorrowland Full Madness or Full Madness Comfort Pass
- Access to the Magnificent Greens Area
- Access to the Gathering and Marketplace
- Access to the Chill Out
- Additional benefits for Supreme & Spectacular Easy Tent (see Accommodation Wiki)
The ticket price always includes payment and service fee. The Treasure Case Fee is not included.
For full details see the Accommodation Wiki
Type | Pre-Sale (€) | Worldwide Sale (€) |
Easy Tent 2P | 1,114.00 | 1,238.00 |
East Tent 2P Comfort | 1,580.00 | 1,800.00 |
Spectacular Easy Tent 2P | 1,329.00 | 1,453.00 |
Spectacular Easy Tent 2P Comfort | 1,795.00 | 2,015.00 |
Supreme Easy Tent 2P | 1,594.00 | 1,718.00 |
Supreme Easy Tent 2P Comfort | 2,060.00 | 2,280.00 |
Easy Tent 4P | 2,206.00 | 2,454.00 |
Easy Tent 4P Comfort | 3,138.00 | 3,578.00 |
Spectacular Easy Tent 4P | 2,596.00 | 2,844.00 |
Spectacular Easy Tent 4P Comfort | 3,528.00 | 3,968.00 |
All Montagoe Packages include per person:
- Access to DreamVille
- One Tomorrowland Full Madness or Full Madness Comfort Pass
- Access to the Montagoe Area
- Access to the Gathering and Marketplace
- Access to the Chill Out
The ticket price always includes payment and service fee. The Treasure Case Fee is not included.
For full details see the Accommodation Wiki
Type | Pre-Sale (€) | Worldwide Sale (€) |
Relax Room 2P | 2,041.00 | 2,165.00 |
Relax Room 2P Comfort | 2,507.00 | 2,727.00 |
Dreamlodge 2P | 2,174.00 | 2,298.00 |
Dreamlodge 2P Comfort | 2,640.00 | 2,860.00 |
Spectacular Dreamlodge 2P | 2,450.00 | 2,574.00 |
Spectacular Dreamlodge 2P Comfort | 2,916.00 | 3,136.00 |
Kokono 2P | 2,266.00 | 2,390.00 |
Kokono 2P Comfort | 2,732.00 | 2,952.00 |
Luna 2P | 2,313.00 | 2,437.00 |
Luna 2P Comfort | 2,779.00 | 2,999.00 |
Cabana 2P | 2,326.00 | 2,485.00 |
Cabana 2P Comfort | 2,792.00 | 3,047.00 |
Astera 2P | 2,481.00 | 2,605.00 |
Astera 2P Comfort | 2,947.00 | 3,167.00 |
Marivela 2P | 4,844.00 | 4,968.00 |
Marivela 2P Comfort | 5,310.00 | 5,530.00 |
Ensuite 2P | 4,994.00 | 5,118.00 |
Ensuite 2P Comfort | 5,460.00 | 5,680.00 |
All Mansion Packages include for 10 people:
- Access to DreamVille
- Access to the Mousai Area
- Access to the Gathering and Marketplace
- Access to the Chill Out
For full details see the Accommodation Wiki
Starting from ~€60,000 plus costs of tickets. To book send an e-mail to